In Canada, almost 50% of adults have or have experienced a permanent or temporary physical disability or live with someone who has. Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility CertificationTM (RHFAC) is a national rating system that measures and certifies the level of meaningful access of buildings and sites. Get an RHFAC rating to better understand your physical accessibility, how you can improve, and identify barriers for your community, customers, or employees.
Benefits of an RHFAC Rating & Certification
Gain market differentiation and a competitive advantage. Your pre-construction or existing site accessibility rating can help you:

How Can an Accessibility Rating Change Your Business?
Featured Projects
Case Study: How Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility Inspires Others to Become Accessible
October 27, 2020
Le français suit l'anglais
Accessibility Case Study: Starbucks & Fort Properties
October 13, 2020
Suzanne and Jayne Bradbury of Fort Properties have built a reputation for creating beautifully designed, highly functional spaces in Victoria’s downtown core.
Mosaic Stadium Case Study: Accessibility for Saskatchewan Roughriders Fans
August 12, 2020
When the City of Regina set about designing the new Mosaic Stadium, the administration seized an opportunity to create a historic design project in partnership with the accessibility community.
City of Vaughan Case Study: A leader in accessibility
May 29, 2020
The City of Vaughan is one of the fastest-growing and most diverse municipalities in Canada.
City of Surrey Case Study: Certification as a Stepping Stone
July 14, 2020
The City of Surrey is establishing itself as a true leader in accessibility.
An Accessibility Case Study: Marine Gateway, Vancouver, BC
September 18, 2019
Known by locals as the place with the golden tree sculpture, Marine Gateway is a residential and commercial development in South Vancouver built around a Canada Line Sky Train station stop.

More Information
Questions? Try our Frequently Asked Questions or get in touch by emailing
Frequently asked questions about RHFAC
Details on the RHFAC Rating Survey, costs, timelines, terms and conditions and more.
Guide to Certification
Read the in-depth RHFAC Guide to Certification, taking you from day one to celebrating your achievement, step by step.
Introducing RHFAC v4.0
The RHFAC Rating Survey is updated every three to five years to ensure the program remains on the forefront of innovation, and we continually welcome input from industry professionals and the disability community.
Multi-Unit Residential Incentives
Access a variety of incentive programs when you complete a multi-unit residential rating.
RHFAC Pricing Overview
Learn more about the costs to register your site, access the interactive Rating Survey, hire a professional and validate your rating.