Let's Create a World where Everyone can go Everywhere
1.3 billion adults globally currently live with a disability, according to the World Health Organization. These individuals struggle every day to grab coffee with a friend or interview for a job because of physical barriers to accessibility. This number is growing every day as our population ages.
Whether disability is caused by the natural effects of aging, or by an accident or injury, the simple truth is that each of us will experience disability at some point in our lives and will need our communities to be accessible so that we can continue to participate and live full lives.
Providing universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible public spaces ensures that everyone is able to participate and live to their full potential, and is an important part of the United Nation’s "Envision2030" sustainable development goals that our program supports.
How you Can Take Action
Learn how you can take action and what you and your organization can do to further support inclusion and accessibility. Check out the links below on becoming a more accessible organization through RHFAC ratings, training, and accessibility advisory services.
Rating & Certification
A unique program that rates, certifies and showcases accessible public buildings.
Accessibility Training and Education
Expand your knowledge, discover how to promote inclusion, or close organizational skill gaps through our accessibility training options.
APN2025: Building for People
Join us at APN2025 to stay up to date on the latest initiatives advancing accessibility in the built environment. This annual conference is taking place on March 27 and 28, 2025 virtually and in person at the Vancouver Convention Centre in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Accessibility Advisory Services
Promote disability awareness within your organization, improve access within your facilities or ensure new buildings are designed to the highest accessibility standards.
Demonstrate your Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) impact
RHFAC Training and ratings are tangible ways to support your Diversity, Equity and Inclusion goals, and measure the “S” pillar in your ESG strategy. Corporate leaders are embracing RHFAC to measure and celebrate their progress.
Accessibility Resources
Do you want to help improve access and inclusion in your community? Check out our Accessibility Resources library.
The Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification™ (RHFAC) program works to help improve accessibility of the built environment in Canada – the places where we live, work, learn and play. Find out more about our program areas and join the movement to help create a fully accessible and inclusive Canada.
Have questions?
Send us an email and our Access Team will get back to you.
Read our RHF Accessibility Certification FAQ.