1. Will Accessibility Professional Network (APN) membership be required to be classified as an RHFAC Professional and Conduct Ratings?
Yes, maintaining a membership to the Accessibility Professional Network is needed to uphold your Professional Designation. Through this network, RHFAC Professionals will be able to connect with others in this field and gain access to the Job Board, previous webinars, toolkits, research, case studies and more.
2. How do Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) work?
To maintain your Professional Designation, you must acquire 8 CEUs per year. CEUs can be obtained by attending one of our monthly APN webinars (worth 2 CEUs), viewing a webinar recording (1 CEU), downloading a resource from the APN webpage (0.5 CEU), and attending the annual APN Conference (8 CEUs).
3. I missed the most recent webinar. Where can I find a recording?
As we are an organization that strives to uphold and promote universal access, we only upload webinars once they have been entirely remediated for accessibility. This includes post-productions services such as implementing open captions and spotlighting ASL interpreters. Once remediated, webinar recordings will be uploaded and available to APN members on the APN resource page. Click here to register for the APN if you have not already done so. Access to the webinar recordings is one of the many benefits of becoming a member of the Accessibility Professional Network.
We are currently experiencing a delay with the remediation process and we thank you for your patience and understanding.