Start meaningful conversations about disability in your classroom with the Rick Hansen Foundation School Program (RHFSP). We provide educators and schools across Canada with the education and awareness tools they need to create more disability-inclusive and accessible K-12 classrooms and communities. In addition, we support and celebrate youth with disabilities and young inclusion advocates through awards, scholarships and mentorship.
Resource Library
Lessons, activities, videos and e-books connected to curriculum subject areas and educational priorities.
Ambassador Presentations
Promote understanding, empathy and inclusivity through the power of lived experience. Ambassadors with vision, hearing or mobility disabilities share their stories, insights and unique perspectives.
Professional Development
Educators gain confidence in supporting their students with disabilities and learn ways to create student allies by sharing the importance of disability inclusion and accessibility in the classroom, school and community.
Difference Maker Projects and Awards
Celebrate and recognize youth who make a positive impact by addressing a barrier people with disabilities face in their school or broader community.
The Rick & Amanda Hansen Scholarship for Youth with Disabilities
This scholarship aims to make a profound impact on the lives of Canadian youth with disabilities by removing financial barriers and supporting career aspirations through post-secondary education.
Youth Leadership Committee
Young Canadian disability advocates come together, amplifying the message of the diverse needs and priorities of youth with disabilities across Canada.
Let's stay in touch! Our monthly newsletter is the best way to stay up to date on everything the Rick Hansen Foundation School Program offers.
For questions or more information, contact us.